Now, back to my sailing adventure, my crew and I were now capable sailors. Our instructor, Byron, set up a hammock for himself and told us to wake him up if we had any trouble. What an amazing feeling to realise that after just 2 weeks we were now competent sailors!
Cooking was a big part of our sailing experience. The kitchen on a boat is well organised for rough waters. There are many small compartments to store ingredients, the stove tops have railings to keep the pots and pans in place and EVERYTHING is secured.
A delicious breakfast for the crew!
The crystal clear waters in the Gulf of Thailand are really magnificent.
We sailed past many interesting islands - there are hundreds in the gulf and most of them are impossible to reach without your own boat.
You can see the giant circlular fishing net used by Thai fishermen.
Now that we had completed our practical sailing experience it was time for our final written exam.
95% - Not bad!
Special Thanks
Cook With Us Recipe Book
@pandamama @offoodandart @merej99 @cookwithus