A few weeks after my sailing course was complete I made a friend, a retired pilot from New Zealand, who owned a beautiful sailing boat called "Sir Swagman".

Sir Swagman
Source: Swaggie's Wanderings
The boat was a ketch, which basically means it has 2 masts, with the front mast being the taller of the two. Her previous owners, a married couple, had sailed her completely around the globe - what an adventure that must have been!
I spent a lot of time helping to sand and varnish the deck and I grew really attached to the beautiful sailing boat.
In the distance behind the rocks is a bay on a tiny island, one of the many islands that we visited. It wasn't far from the marina so it made a great destination for a day out sailing.
This is a panoramic photo I took from inside the bay, a really magnificent private beach. Thanks for reading - see you on my next adventure!
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