Hay que dar gracias a Dios todos los días! Aún con las dificultades que estamos viviendo todos los venezolanos, hay que dar gracias a Dios! no es ser conformista, no es ser de un partido político, no es ser apolítico, no es estar por estar.
-.We have to thank God every day! Even with the difficulties that all Venezuelans are experiencing, we must thank God! It is not being a conformist, it is not being from a political party, it is not being apolitical, it is not being to be.-
Es tener respeto hacia la vida.
It is having respect towards life.
Si nos quejamos nos enfermamos, maldecir es como lanzar un bumerán, y hasta que no entendamos eso, vamos a seguir sumergidos.!
If we complain we get sick, cursing is like throwing a boomerang, and until we understand that, we will continue to be submerged!
Para el Venezolano que esta afuera y quiera saber: Estamos Bien! Estamos aprendiendo! Estamos Emprendiendo! Estamos sobreviviendo? Si! pero algo es seguro en esta vida, NO vamos a estar así para siempre.
For the Venezuelan who is outside and wants to know: We are fine! We are learning! We are undertaking! Are we surviving? Yes! but something is certain in this life, we are NOT going to be like this forever.
the Venezuelan doesn´t give up