in hive-148441 •  5 years ago 

The Plumeria Flowers ( Frangipani Flowers ).


Galaxy M20
The Plumeria Flowers ( Frangipani Flowers )

This is a plumeria flower. The common name is frangipani flower. This flower is known to all of us, in Bengali we call this flower Champa flower. I have noticed many times that these flowers are kept near the plumeria flower (champa flower) at the time of burial after the death of someone according to our Bengali Sanskrit, it is very much associated with human death.

In most cases white pressed flowers are used. This plumeria flower is the plumeria flower. These flowers are a tropical species that can grow up to several feet tall. However, there are some small species of trees that can grow up to about 3-4 hands from the ground.

Although this plumeria flower is a flower known to me, I did not know much about its details. This plumeria flower is not only seen in the trees but we have seen a lot of experiments with these flowers. Our botanical biologists experiment a lot inside the lab about these flowers and plants. After a thorough examination of these, they come to a correct conclusion and they make a report on that decision.

One day I went for a walk in a park with some friends after class from our college and that park was very nicely arranged. There the staff inside the park donated a beautiful environment by cleaning everything around the park nicely. It attracts more and more tourists, thousands of people flock here from morning to evening and many foreigners come here every year.

Inside the park, there are many wonderful flower gardens, which add to the beauty of the park. We spent hours wandering around the park inside the park and taking pictures of the different species of flowers blooming in the park's gardens. Then I took a picture and saw a flower I knew and after a long time I was very happy to see this flower in front of my eyes.

An emotion arose in my mind and then I used my phone camera to capture these beautiful looking flowers with the camera. The tendency to know the details of this flower then arose in my mind and I kept that in mind and the next day during my class in my botany department at our college, I showed this flower to my respected teacher and asked him for details and he explained it to me seriously.

The leaves of this plumeria flower tree are large and hard. There are many striped spots on the sides of the leaves, with a large spot in the middle. The leaves of this flowering plant are evergreen. These flowers are small in size and play type, the petals of the flowers are divided into 5 parts, the inside of this flower has a yellow colour part.

This plumeria flower comes in different colours, such as yellow, white, red, pink. Yellow flowers last longer but white flowers last less. Plumeria's waxy, 2- to 4-inch flowers are very fragrant, so plant trees close to windows or patios to enjoy the enticing fragrance.

Plumerias are often planted in containers and make excellent cut flowers. Special features of plumerias Fragrant Good for cut flowers. The flowers of these beautiful plants are used in making traditional Hawaiian leis. They are highly fragrant and bloom freely from spring throughout fall in multiple colours like white, yellow, pink, and red.

Like other plumerias, its flowers are famously fragrant and beautiful, and it blooms from early summer into fall. As a tropical plant, this tree grows only in warm climates or in greenhouses.

These are great for making leis because of their large size, lovely colors and strong scent. They are usually strung together in a single-strand lei to create the magnificent Plumeria leis.

Reference :;_ylt=AwrwS2DsTQNflW8ALlYO9olQ?p=plumeria+flower&vm=r&hsimp=yhs-001&hspart=itm&type=smy_ydef2f_20_22_xtn&param1=1&param2=f%3D4%26b%3Dchrome%26ip%3D223.191.54.101%26pa%3Dsearch-manager%26type%3Dsmy_ydef2f_20_22_xtn%26cat%3Dweb%26a%3Dsmy_ydef2f_20_22_xtn%26xlp_pers_guid%3Dba7404a21684c8c20f38e7893b7f1c50%26xlp_sess_guid%3D144f5659-8be1-4cfc-9323-673b65ee92b9%26uref%3D%26abid%3D%26xt_abg%3D%26xt_ver%3D10.1.4.80%26ls_ts%3D1590939030&fr=yhs-itm-001&fr2=p%3As%2Cv%3Ai%2Cm%3Apivot&stype=web

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