A few years ago I saw a list of 8 antediluvian kings in which the reigns add up to 241,200 years (66 sars and 6 ners = 67 sars) before the flood (the flood is supposed to be in 2900 BC so it would be 246,120 years until today)
and since it was believed that homie sapiens arose 200,000 years ago, I thought that it could be that the Sumerians knew the origin of "homie" sapiens, but new discoveries suggest that "homie" sapiens is between 350 and 250 thousand years old and thus kings are left out of the lame but when adding to the kings SUKURLAM / SHURUPAK and ZIUSUDRA / ZINSUDU they add up to 306,000 years (plus the time from the flood until today is 310,920 years).
Now, if we analyze the name of the first antediluvian king written A2-LU-LIM it turns out that A2 can mean power or time, LU means MAN but the symbol for LIM also has the phonetic value of IGI that can mean FIRST or EARLIER.
So A2-LU-IGI can mean:
First Man Powerful or
Man of Earlier time
Although, now that I think about it, it's hard to believe that the Sumerians knew "homie" sapiens so I thought of another theory.
For the Sumerians, 1 sar was 3,600 years, 1 ner is 600 years, 6 ner is 1 sar, but 1 gesh can be 60 or 1, so if I divide the 306,000 years by 60 (1 gesh) it gives 5,100 years that when adding the Years that have passed since the flood marks 8,000 BC when the "Neolithic preceramic A" period begins. If we do the same to each king separately they seem to agree with different periods and cultures. Enmengalana would correspond to the Halaf culture, Dumuzi to Hassuna Samarra, Ensipadziana, Enmedurana and Ubara-Tutu to El Obeid 2 3 and 4, lastly Sukurlam and Ziusudra correspond to Early Uruk
Unfortunately each archaeological school has its own chronologies and there are too many different lists so I cannot prove either of my two theories ...