how to Cast/Withdraw Witness Votes & Withdraw App Permissions

in hive-148441 •  5 years ago  (edited)

In this post I describe the methods to cast and withdraw witnesses votes at the Steem chain as well as how to revoke login rights for many of the Steem based apps. For both I had to dig around to find the tools to do so; Not so easy when many tools are not working anymore. Steempeak and SteemConnect turned out to be the tools doing what is needed.

This morning when I woke up I read this post about a new softfork at the Steem chain. Don't really understand what the current witnesses are trying to do, but they stated something about a 12 hours decision and witness votes. Then I checked the @steemitblog account and read this post published a few hours before the softfork announcement. Steemit Inc essentially says they gave back all the top witness spots to the community.

To make sure my account would not be effected in any way by this softfork, I decided to remove all my witness votes. And while attending to this, I also decided to remove permissions to most of the Apps (most of them I didn't use for a ling time and I can always give permissions again to apps I may have unlisted today).

published by Fattu Tutorials (source)

Witness Votes: Steempeak

Since all the tools that I knew, allowing me to cast and withdraw witness votes, don't seem to work anymore, the only way out was to use the Steempeak service.

For some reason we can't login to Steempeak using SteemConnect anymore, therefore I had to use the native PeakLock login method. Turns out this is super simple:

  • Click the PeakLock icon after tapping the login button at Steempeak;
  • Then click '+ account' button at the bottom of the screen;
  • Then fill in the Steem username and private and active keys in the respective fields (note: the active key is required to cast/revoke witness votes);
  • Subsequently type in a 5 digit password; This password (secure code) will be asked every time when you cast/revoke a witness vote.
  • Once done all of this, hit the 'save' button
  • Type in your 5-digit password; Hit the 'unlock' button (or the 'return' key on your keyboard) and you are in!

Now, head to the witness page: It's the first service in the menu when hitting the 'action' button on your profile page.

You could also copy/paste the web address (URL) into your browsers web address bar:

All witnesses you voted for are shown with a blue icon in the last column of the witness table. In case you like to revoke a witness vote, just click this blue icon. In case you like to vote for a witness, click the black icon in this column. It may take a few seconds before the colour changes. You may need to reload the witness page after every (revoke) vote. With Chrome browser I had to do this. With Safari browser, I didn't.

App Permissions: Steemd & SteemConnect

Next, I took care of the App permissions. Best tool to review which Apps you gave permissions to in the past, is Steemd. To show your account at Steemd, use:

Below screenshot shows the web address with my accountname in it.

When in Steemd, at the left of the page you'll find a list of Apps under 'Posting', like in the picture below. In following screens I'll show you what to do to revoke permissions for the '' app.

Copy/paste the following web address (URL) into your browser address bar:

In this case, the appname = '' as shown in Steemd (picture above) so the exact web address becomes:

Then hit return on your keyboard.

Note: This whole process works the same for all other apps; But we have to remove them one by one.

Click continue...

...when this screen below is shown to us, just click the 'import account' button.

Then this screen is shown and you can type in your Steem username and 'active key'. You need the active key to revoke the App permissions; Your posting keys cannot be used for this action.

Hit the 'return' button on your keyboard or click the 'get started' button on your screen, and you'll be taken to the following screen...

Click the green 'revoke' button.

When all done correctly, you'll be taken to a screen showing the message below. The transaction ID is of course different, since this ID is unique for each transaction made.

When going back to Steemd; You'll notice the app you revoked the permissions for is not shown in the list anymore. Please make sure you reload Steemd webpage first, otherwise the changes are not visible to you.

I do hope this post is of support to you. In case you know other ways to cast/withdraw witness votes and/or to revoke App permissions, let us know in the comments section. It may help other users.



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They did not give the witnesses back to the community as Steemit use their own vote to decide who stays in the top 20. They unvoted anyone who does not agree with them. Very sad to see this happen. They have lost any moral high ground they might have had about restricting accounts by doing the same.

Interestingly, Steemit Inc wrote a post yesterday stating they acted neutral to the new softfork. LOL. They als wrote today they have a little bump in the road so they can't post something new wrt ecosystem development part of their 100 days plan. Again LOL.

I saw their post. Their witness votes make it clear who is in control. Their day 2 post is just trolling the community.

LOL :)

I wouldn't say they had any moral high ground to begin with. A group of people made a judgement call, and they were absolutely right. I am out of my mind happy they did that and so quickly.

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

You mean the softfork? Was it quickly? The list if users is maybe determined very quickly, but the SF took more than two weeks, that is not quick! You mean quickly after the so-called puppet witnesses where removed from the top20; Well how you explain that some of the remaining top 20 witnesses being against to SF, removed from the top 20 within hours, maybe even within minutes? Seems quick, but this strongly indicates the current consensus witnesses running the new SF executed a plan together with Steemit Inc and TRON; Therefore again, not quick at all. And yeah indeed, Steemit Inc/TRON reacted super quick to revoke their witness votes for those that are against the SF.

I mean launching Hive. That was just in time before the censorship ramped up so much that informing people would be completely impossible.

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

Don't you think all what has happened (incl the censorship and freezing of accounts) is directly the cause of HIVE being created and subsequently, the bad acting of quite a few HIVE members at the Steem chain?


Its not the chain that is censored, it is the UI that is centralised as well as API's that are centralised. That said, anyone can run API nodes, but apparently nobody does other than Steemit Inc. The chain may be possible to be distributed, interface can never be. But that is not the question I asked, you stated HIVE was just in time before all censorship happens, and my statement (in form of a question) is that HIVE and more specificially the actions of some of the ex-Steemians are the result of censorship happening. Action/Reaction kinda thing.

I agree. The chain is technically still not censored, but atm it basically is just a fancy database. There used to be a lot of API nodes. Also the interface can be distributed, by running your own, and e.g. Steempeak does that and esteem did that, but esteem is now also over to Hive. I do hope the people here manage to build stuff up again... but I was kinda waiting for Hive to happen from the moment after Justin Sun came in and it was just talk about TRON, so I could do meaningful things with the blockchain without fear.