Why wait for time when it doesn't wait for you??? Do you think there really will be the best time ever for you to get started with your process.

The idea of waiting is not something that many find easy, but some find it really cool and they can just wait for as long as it takes too have them get into the right time.
"Waiting is the action of staying where one is or delaying action until a particular time or event."
Delaying action until a particular time may just end up running the individual into a state of continuous failure as, there will never be a better time.

You must not allow the fear of stepping out make you learn to delay action for inaction.
The time is never right to do the right thing. The ladies are cool with waiting and for as long as the world has existed, it is their thing and will continue to be their thing.
Because you want to make a difference, move as time does and never be delusional about getting the right time to make a leap.

If you cannot make a move now, you will never find the right time. The tide cannot be right and will never be right for you to start.
Time waits for no one and if you can play its game, it will be to your favor.