Some Good Things

in hive-148441 •  4 years ago 

         It sucks to have no control over the situation one's in. The current pandemic is no exception. Sifting through the internet, you see doom and gloom for the most part. However, there are glimmers of goodness here and there.

         It's obvious the "good" things don't alleviate the circumstances, but they can be nice. At least, as distractions, if nothing more. I'm writing some down as a reminder of things that went all right during trying times.

Cleaner Environment

         You have heard of dolphins in canals of Venice, Italy. Of how the water quality seemed to have improved with everyone quarantined. Here in Utah, the air has been better thanks to people staying home.

         During the winter months, the state has winter inversions. You can read more about it here. In short, the different layers of warm and cold air trap particles in a stagnant airflow. Couple that with pollutants, and you have a recipe for bad air quality.

         Many people often think industries cause the most emissions. The truth is, the people contribute supermajority of the pollution in the state. Often, on the I-15, you would see PSAs urging people to plan their travel better, or travel less altogether.

         The last thing we need in this pandemic is to have stagnant, polluted air that could enhance COVID-19.

Feeling Appreciated

         Most non-essential businesses have closed for the time being. Some of them, like Krispy Kreme still manages to stay open thanks to their drive through. To show appreciation to the public, they have a special promotion for everyone in the state.

         So, I get free dozen donuts every Monday until May 11 since I am a healthcare worker. For everyone else, they get buy one dozen, get one dozen free.

         I guess it's time to get fat.

To-do List

         Since I can't do much of anything else outside, I get to buckle down and focus on my own homes. One of the biggest upsides to all this is that I have the time to clean up and do some home projects.

         In my last post, I mentioned about emergency preparedness. It's might be best to inventory my items and figure out ahead of time what my family needs.

Creative Interactions

         I'm sure boredom has been creeping into almost everyone's lives. At the same time, there seem to be many who find creative solutions to their predicament. I mean, you see stuff like this on Instagram:

         Can't say I wasn't entertained.

One Last Thing


         It would appear someone has conquered death in Finland. I sense an Easter joke there somewhere. What type of wizardry is this? We may never know.

         Stay safe out there.

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Free donuts to healthcare workers is awesome, but feels like a bribe.

I think the amount of deaths decreased because they discovered someone died from an unrelated cause after the fact, or they were just being a little overzealous with reporting people who were suspected to die soon. For example, maybe he got killed by a shark?

  ·  4 years ago Reveal Comment