In the midst of the co-19 pandemic, traditional fishermen in our area are still active as usual. Not to be worried about the pandemic, but the economic needs of the family are the main factor. Even so, the price of fish in the central market is still very affordable. There is no price markup, we should be grateful, with the activity of fishermen the supply of fresh fish in the market is also fulfilled.
This morning I took the opportunity to visit one of the coastal areas which is the center of traditional fishermen doing their activities. I see no one wears a mask, yes, that is, fishermen are coastal people who have a hard temper. They are not too concerned with the government's call for the use of masks in their daily activities.
These fishermen are on average productive age, only a few are seen to be elderly. This traditional fisherman is the oldest work in my city, the work that they do this has been done for generations. It's not that they don't want to choose another job, but this job as a traditional fisherman also has the support of their family. Moreover, there are several boats that also belong to their families and relatives.
The weather was pretty friendly today, the air was a bit brighter than usual, they seemed eager to carry out their activities, hand in hand with each other pulling the trawl that had been anchored to the mainland. They got quite a lot of arrests today, I was again excited to see them doing their activities, considering that they had been in the last few days without any activities outside the home. Hopefully this pandemic will soon pass and our community can do activities as usual again.
Di tengah pandemi covid-19, Nelayan tradisional di daerah kami masih beraktivitas seperti biasanya. Bukannya tidak khawatir terhadap wabah tersebut, namun kebutuhan ekonomi keluarga adalah faktor utama. Pun begitu, harga ikan di central pasar kini masih sangat terjangkau. Tidak ada penggelembungan harga, kami patut berterima kasih, dengan adanya aktivitas nelayan pasokan ikan segar di pasar juga terpenuhi.
Pagi ini saya menyempatkan diri mengunjungi salah satu kawasan pesisir yang menjadi pusat nelayan tradisional melaksakan kegiatan mereka. Aku melihat tidak ada yang memakai masker, ya begitulah, nelayan adalah masyarakat pesisir yang memiliki watak yang keras. Mereka tidak terlalu peduli dengan himbauan pemerintah terhadap penggunaan masker dalam kegiatan keseharainnya.
Para nelayan ini rata-rata berusia produktif, hanya beberapa yang terlihat berumur lanjut. Nelayan tradisional ini merupakan pekerjaan tertua di kota saya, pekerjaan yang mereka lakoni ini telah dilakukan secara turun temurun. Bukannya tidak mau memilih pekerjaan lain, namun pekerjaan sebagai nelayan tradisional ini juga mendapat dukungan dari keluarga mereka. Terlebih lagi ada beberapa perahu yang juga merupakan milik keluarga dan kerabatnya.
Cuaca lumayan bersahabat hari ini, udara sedikit lebih cerah dari biasanya, mereka tampak bersemangat melakukan kegiatannhya, saling bahu membahu satu sama lain menarik pukat yang telah dilabihkan ke daratan. Tangkapan mereka lumayan banyak hari ini, saya kembali bersemangat melihat mereka beraktivitas, mengingat sudah beberapa hari terakhir di rumah saja tanpa ada kegiatan di luar rumah. Semoga pandemic ini segera berlalu dan masyarakat kami bisa beraktivitas seperti biasa lagi.