Games not for your backlog #1

in hive-148441 •  5 years ago 

Backlog — So much to play, so little time

A lot of gamers have an entirely untouched collection of games they still want to get to. Someday. I'm here to help you narrow down that list, so you can remove forgettable experiences you can totally skip.


Alter World

The gimmick here is “press key to warp the level” so certain platforms appear instead of others. You have to switch way too quickly and precisely sometimes, making it sort of annoyingly hardcore. The art style and sprite hitboxes feel very off when it comes to parkour platforming. It's not fun.


Gangs of Space

Do not be fooled, this is not really a bullet hell shooter. It's a MMO. Unless you're going to play it with a whole bunch of friends, don't bother, because there aren't that many players. Story is non-existent because the universe and shoot-out sectors rebuild themselves when they are cleared.



Physics are awful, gameplay mechanics aren't fun and nobody is playing it. Steam reviews are trolling. Don't waste a single minute of your life with the game. I spent 5 minutes on it and I sorely regret it.



Supposedly a mix of Call of Duty and Goat Simulator. One problem though: it has nothing to do with CoD in any way. That's actually a bad thing, because maybe then it would have been better. This is just Quake 3 with worse physics and clunkier weapons. It doesn't even look funny ingame.

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