The world that we all are living in easily last one and there are a lot of pics to meet explore one of the ones is the thing which is known as the emotions and one of the most powerful ones are them.
The attraction the bond that is created by the people and other creatures as well as other things to is what makes a so special and this emotions staff is really a very powerful. Regardless of the way it is been used it can be powerful in all of them.
And among these too, there are a lot of categories and the most powerful one amongst them is the one which we call of being the attraction and love. Each and every creature is having this emotion and the most complex one is also this one.
To Start with the real definition of love is really very complex, some people often mix it with the emotion of liking where as liking someone and loving someone are completely two different things.
To differentiate that I have a very good example for that for you all. Suppose you went to a garden and a flower you saw and you really like that what would be the action you would take?
Where is the thing that you would do is that lucky top and bring it back your home and decorate it and pick it up as piece of showcase or something like that you are gonna be picking up that thing and bring it back to your home so that it can be close to you always.
But on the other hand if you really love that flower that same flower then what would have been your action?
Where is that would have been the cause then the thing that you would have done is that you have water that plant and taken will care of that flower so that it can live longer and be more beautiful than what it is you have taken care of it instead of plucking it off.
And that is the major difference between liking someone and loving someone this is just an example but you can surely compare it with the real life situations we all deal with.
And this is one of the biggest or one of the most common mistakes that people make my mixing these two emotional where as their completely different they are having similar characteristics what are the end of the day they are not the same there different completely it displays the approach of your nature and that approach is Defined by these two terms which is like and love one of the ones is what you are really caring about the other and the other one is you really want to keep it close to you and never want to lose butt in the other when you will always take care of the other.
Thanks Everyone For Stopping by and spending some time on my works and I hope you liked it :)
I am Alisha, a resident of India who loves to create and interact. I am known by @iamalisha in the blockchain world and in real life I do graviate towards creating videos, listening songs and hunt for ways to bring my dreams to reality. Please Drop below your valuable feedback and help me grow and march ahead :)
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