Unique technique to destroy packaged water bottle after using it.

in hive-148441 •  3 years ago  (edited)

As we know that the current rising scenario of water pollution has increased immensely, many contamination cases arisen over the period of time and the concern of drinking safe water has increased a lot. Nowadays people are very much aware of drinking safe water because of that there is a tremendous demand of packaged drinking water bottle in the market.
This has led many companies to produce and supply packaged drinking water bottle in the market to meet the need of the customer. Though we all know that there is specific message written on the bottle “Crush the bottle after use” we all happen to ignore it and throw it. Because of this irresponsible behavior the bottles are being misused as “duplicate packaged water bottle” and are sold back to us by refilling with tap water (dirty water), many cases have aroused in India of it.
We should take this scenario very seriously and use this technique to destroy the bottles so that no one can reuse it.

WhatsApp Image 2021-04-17 at 7.48.18 AM.jpeg
Image Source: Saurav Kumar (FRB Trolls)

First, open the bottle, bend the bottle cap, and put it inside the water bottle. The cap of the water bottle will never come out of the bottle, so no one can reuse it.
It is a simple technique and a very effective one. By doing this, you can save yourself and others from drinking dirty water.
Inspired by watching TVF Aspirants, thought I should share with a caring community. Please follow this technique so that we should prevent further duplication of a packaged water bottles.

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