Behind The Photo Contest-Edition #8. Shaping life.

in hive-148441 •  5 years ago 


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Second opportunity participating in this pleasant call offered by the friend @nelyp, it is here where we all get or try to get those skills of photographer and transfer in them the emotion and feelings that we had when capturing them.

My best photo was also my first best moment, seeing life grow in our belly, feeling those initial kicks are priceless, although sometimes it hurts and makes us scream, perhaps my daughters were soccer players.


After that I can say that my second best photos were their births, here I was a co-star model of the main stars, that moment of the first cry, the one that makes you shudder and makes you understand that you can love beyond imagining.


Rocío's Birth.


Julieta's Birth.

After these beautiful moments come endless photos, capturing their growth at every moment and treasuring them for the future as they are precious treasures.


With these images full of love I make my entry for this eighth edition, if you like to participate visit this link.

All photos are from my personal gallery.


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Nada más hermoso que la maternidad, es la mayor bendición en la vida de una mujer. Eres una madre muy especial, me encanta esta publicación por la ternura y el amor que lleva impresa. Te abrazo y te quiero inmenso, mi bella @issymarie. Gracias por compartir.

Gracias a ti mi querida mami @marybellrg, compartir los bellos momentos siempre es gratificante, gracias por tu gran apoyo.
😘 😘 😘 😘

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Preciosas fotografías y la historia que contienen.
Excelente publicación.
Orgullosas de tu éxito

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