Luchando a mi manera/Fighting my way. (esp-eng).

in hive-148441 •  5 years ago 



Luchando a mi manera.

Habían transcurrido apenas unas semanas desde que se lanzó la noticia del primer contagiado.

Las alarmas se encendieron y las precauciones se tomaron, no obstante ya era tarde, el virus se hallaba en la población de todo el mundo.

No había lugares dónde huir, sólo restaba mantener la calma y permanecer en casa, protegiendo a los suyos y así mismos, pensar en otras cosas y alejar esas noticias de fallecidos y nuevos contagios por doquier.

Empezó a salir nuevamente la avaricia y codicia de la gente, buscaban acaparar sin pensar en sí el vecino tendría o no con qué alimentar a sus hijos, esos niños amigos de sus hijos, tendrán leche para beber o pan para comer, tendrán acaso medicinas por si algo ocurre; en estos momentos de desesperación nadie o casi nadie está pensando eso.

Acaparan como si con eso fuese a llegar la solución, salí a la calle en medio de personas con mirada fría y tapabocas que escondían esas sonrisas que antes habían, esas que por estos días se fueron y cambiaron por lágrimas, ira, incertidumbre.

Escuchaba los gritos de -yo llegué primero-, -y que te metes tu si llevo más o no-, -eres inepta que no puedes ir a revisar si hay más en bodega-, la verdad me sentí mal, las personas estaban infectadas de un virus que no tiene cura, la gente caía en lo más fondo y olvidaban la bondad.

Mire desde un rincón tratando de recordar esos saludos que se daban al estar en fila, pensaba en la generosidad que antes se tenía al dejar pasar a los ancianos, madres o padres con niños, eso ya no estaba, el virus corrompía a la gente de diversas formas, me pregunto si lo están notando.

Camine a mi destino, espere la luz verde para cruzar la calle, camine entre gente que corría como si eso sirviera de algo, avance lento disfrutando el sol, el aire, tan solo camine.

Llegue al lugar donde iba, salude, desee un buen día, dije gracias por la atención recibida y al hacer eso, como una extraña magia sucedió, recibí una sonrisa, luego un saludo, luego un hasta pronto vuelva pronto.

Decidí que al regresar a casa a todo el que viese saludaria, este virus invasor se alimenta de la desesperación, del enojo, el miedo, entra en la gente al verlos débiles, entonces le daré la pelea, donde escuché un grito de rabia gritaré un holaaaaaa, de esa forma quizás y solo quizás las personas se contagien y al pensar positivo y tener alegría nuestro cuerpo estará sano y aquel virus indeseado encontrará las puertas cerradas y tendrá que irse.

Le doy la pelea a mi manera, peleemos juntos, ¿quieren?..

Fighting my way.

Barely a few weeks had passed since the news of the first infected was released.

Alarms went off and precautions were taken, however it was too late, the virus was in the population around the world.

There were no places to run away, all that remained was to remain calm and stay at home, protecting their own and themselves, thinking about other things and moving away the news of the deceased and new infections everywhere.

The greed and greed of the people began to emerge again, they sought to hoard without thinking about whether the neighbor would have something to feed their children or not, those children who are friends of their children, they will have milk to drink or bread to eat, perhaps they will have medicine for if something happens; in these desperate moments nobody or almost nobody is thinking that.

They monopolized as if with that the solution would come, I went out into the street in the midst of people with cold eyes and masks that hid those smiles that were there before, those that these days left and were changed by tears, anger, uncertainty.

I heard the cries of -I arrived first-, and what do you mean if I carry more or not-, you are inept that you cannot go to check if there is more in the cellar-, the truth is I felt bad, people were infected with a virus that has no cure, people fell to the bottom and forgot goodness.

I looked from a corner trying to remember those greetings that were given when standing in line, I thought about the generosity that had before when letting the elderly, mothers or fathers with children go by, that was gone, the virus corrupted the people of various ways, I wonder if they are noticing.

Walk to my destination, wait for the green light to cross the street, walk among people who were running as if that were of any use, move forward enjoying the sun, the air, just walk.

I arrived at the place where I was going, say hello, wish you a good day, I said thank you for the attention received and when doing that, as a strange magic happened, I received a smile, then a greeting, then a see you soon come back soon.

I decided that when I returned home to everyone I saw would say hello, this invading virus feeds on despair, anger, fear, it enters people when they see them weak, then I will give them the fight, where I heard a cry of rage I will shout a helloaaaaa, that way maybe and only maybe people will get infected and by thinking positive and having joy our body will be healthy and that unwanted virus will find the doors closed and will have to leave.

I give the fight my way, let's fight together, will you?


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A pelear entonces!

Así es, a pelear 🥊.

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Buen post. Hacen falta ese tipo de mensajes en tiempos como estos. Felicitaciones.

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Muchas gracias amigos de @team-mexico. Saludos para todos ustedes.

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Saludos recibidos, sabes que.., gracias a ti. :)

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