For the proper development of the athlete are necessary the best conditions, proper nutrition, training in the spaces that best meet the conditions, place of rest, among other factors no less important, however, we can often see that despite many not having these IDEAL CONDITIONS are able to break records and overcome other athletes who if they have been able to have all the best for them.
There are clear examples, just to mention very well known athletes that not necessarily can train in the best conditions, are some runners from Nigeria, who throughout history have been able to set many world records, even historical records of some who have had to run barefoot for lack of proper shoes, and even so, they become very big.
We have also seen soccer teams that their country could not even afford the uniform to participate in a World Cup. Of course, that is part of history, there is currently a clear improvement in these aspects, but it is worth noting that many great athletes are born in poverty, and that their achievements are the product of an effort that few are able to make.
A clear example is the renowned soccer player, Ronaldinho, who was born and raised in one of the poorest neighborhoods in Porto Alegre, Brazil. Something similar happened with Cristiano Ronaldo, so there is no excuse for those who have the conditions to be the best not to be.
I know that external conditions can be a big limitation, but the decision is up to the one who faces the situation, if he lets himself be knocked down or comes out stronger.