I like rhythmic gymnastics, at least watching it, because it is simply impossible that I can do something of what they do in that sport discipline, but I really like to see it, it is art turned into sport, or sport turned into art, as you prefer to say it, but it is a beautiful sport discipline.
I feel that it challenges fear when I start practicing it, I am not much of a sports person, but I like to watch it, soccer, baseball, cycling, swimming, among others, are sports that I like to sit and enjoy them on TV. My respect for athletes, just the fact that they stand out in their respective disciplines, are of my admiration.
But back to my main topic, I know that there are sports like boxing in which endurance is indispensable, or marathon runners, for example, which is the maximum level of expression that they must have an endurance that for me seems over natural, because I am not able to run quickly even 100 meters without getting exhausted... and I am not exaggerating. But I do not speak of resistance when I refer to rhythmic gymnastics, because their executions are usually minutes and even seconds, here it has more to do what is precision, accuracy, and aesthetics in execution.
All the pirouettes they do, which apparently look easy to execute have thousands of hours of training, so we can not be fooled with the apparent ease, which leads me to think that all their perfectly coordinated movements full of aesthetics is what makes this sport enjoys an artistic character, I hope you agree with me on this aspect.
As I said before, I have never been a sportsman, neither as a teenager nor much less now that I am an adult, however I like to see them, and know that in the end different areas of human knowledge come together to have a result that is pleasing to the eye and ear.