A tasty smoothie very easy to make.
Today I wanted to drink something delicious but I really didn't want to do something so elaborate, something simple and here we have this banana and peanut butter smoothie.

The first thing I did was use 3 bananas, I peeled and cut them into slices, I could have cut them in half and that's it, but I like to do this.

I put them in the blender.

I took a couple tablespoons of peanut butter, I used a peanut butter that already has pieces of peanuts, crispy.

I put about three big tablespoons because I want the taste.

Finally I added the milk, 1-2 tablespoons of sugar depends on how sweet you want it, it can even be without adding sugar if you want.
And we turn on our blender for a couple of seconds and there you have it.

To give it an extra touch, I put peanut butter in the glass, to decorate and also to have something else to eat with my cookies.

And that's how it turned out for me, it is an interesting combination because you can feel the peanut flavor like for a moment it predominates but then it is not so dominant and it makes it very nice, I am a fan of peanuts, so this smoothie for me is delicious.