Tomato Soup: nice dish for a good memory
This is a recipe that my mom cooked a lot when I was little and whenever I see it, it reminds me of her, currently we don't live together but occasionally I visit her and cook together.
Tomato soup, a delicious recipe for a cool day or a cold day in my opinion, at those times is when I enjoy it most, I do not know and on rainy days I also like to prepare something hot, for example, today when I prepare this recipe the day is cloudy and it will rain later.

We are going to need ripe tomatoes, the amount depends on how many people are going to eat, you can use 1 pound or more of that.

What we will do is place our tomatoes very clean in a pot with water and we will bring them to a boil, this is great because after it boils a little it will be much easier for us to remove the skin from the tomato.

We will also need 1 chopped onion.

Some garlic cloves

1 Chopped carrot.

And all this we are going to fry it in a frying pan with a little oil, once we have the tomatoes ready.

Since the tomatoes are ready we wait a little for them to cool down and then we have to remove the skin and cut them in the way we can.

The water we have left from the tomatoes, we are going to reserve it because we will use it later.

And now we add them to the mixture that we had previously in the pan

Now we add: dried rosemary, paprika powder, salt and pepper.

We are going to observe that our tomatoes will have juice, what we will do is cook this until the liquid is completely reduced.

Add the tomato to the blender and add the water in which we boiled the tomatoes and start and blend until everything looks like a soup.

Now we put this cream again in a pot and cook over medium heat for 10 minutes, at this time we check the taste, we rectify the salt, we check whether the soup is very acidic because the tomato is acidic, if it is, this is corrected by adding a tablespoon of sugar in the soup, I finally put a little basil in it, and the correction of the flavor depends on each one.

To accompany my soup, I cut bread into slices, browned them a little and added cheese.

And this is what my tomato soup looks like, I love it. Simply every time I see the tomato soup it is just yelling at me: "My mom"