How To Control ANGER ?
As we all know that anger is not for health and it is bad sanskar. Anger invites many problems physically and socially. Generally we have taken granted that anger is natural and always blame others for getting angry. But this is not true, anger, happiness all these are created by our self, nobody is responsible for that, we ourselves have to take responsibility gor that.
Now the question is whether we like to change our this bad sanskar? If we really want to change ourselves we have to work on this. When ever we think to change this bad sanskar we have to take responsibility that I am responsible for anger, it is my mistake, it is our creation, only I have to correct it then only we can change jourselves.
Now what we have to do, we have to calm what ever the situation comes, we have contro ourselves, our mind must be within our control. At the very moment if we control our mind we can control our anger.
Most of the cases in conflict that we do raise our voices, use wrong un parliamentary words ,some time which we do not want to do the same, we feel sorry for that. So we have to very cautious to choose words, we have to take care of tone of our voice. Same statement can be say in different way ,it is an art, even though there is difference of opinion but can trace the solution. We have to choose correct accurate words, which has tremendous power on it, we have to speak very low moderate voice which are acceptable to all.
I think this is way we cange our sanskar and control our anger.
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