Did your BAT earnings from Brave just disappear? I have a guess as to what is going on...

in hive-148441 •  4 years ago 


Anyone using the Brave Browser may have been a bit surprised to see a much smaller BAT than expected paid out...

Being a long time Brave user myself I have earned a few BAT along the way and was a bit surprised that the most recent month seemed to be significantly lower than expected in terms of BAT earned.

In fact, the prior month seemed a bit low as well.

While I searched the internet for answers, something came to me that may or may not be what is going on...

Though before I will dive into my thoughts, it appears I am not the only one noticing these issues...

Check it out:


(Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/BATProject/comments/imjlbe/september_2020_brave_ads_payout_updated_support/)

What is going on exactly?

*Keep in mind that I don't know for sure what is going on but I do have some guesses...

Some people seem to think that they didn't get the right amount of BAT paid out to them for the last couple months and they seem to think it keeps getting carried over to the following month.

This being due to some sort of glitch in the payment process.

While that may or may not be true, there is another issue at play here that I think is causing some problems.

And that is the extremely high fees right now on the ethereum blockchain.

BAT is an ERC20 coin that runs on the ethereum blockchain which unfortunately faces the same high transaction fees as everything else on there currently.

Which we can see further evidence of when we try to transfer our BAT from uphold to anywhere else:


(Source: https://uphold.com/en-us/)

Paying 30 BAT in order to send BAT? I don't think so...

I think I will sit back and wait for the fees to come down again.


My guess is that when the BAT is being paid out to people these last few months, the high fees eat up the majority of their earnings before it even reaches their wallets.

So, while it may "appear" that you earned 40 BAT last month, you only had 5 BAT actually show up in your wallet.

That's not necessarily a glitch in the payment processing system of BAT but instead a natural function of using the ethereum blockchain, which is seeing extraordinary high fees relating to the defi explosion.

Perhaps we can get them to switch to HIVE. ;)

Again, no guarantee this is what is going on here but this does make a lot of sense to me and is my best guess as to what is happening.

Stay informed my friends.

Image Source:



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+Btw, have you tried trading on Uphold itself? If you have, how was your experience like? (:%0A%0A
Posted U

I have not. I looked at it one time but I think there are better exchanges out there for trading so I didn't bother.