I am in charge most of the time of lunch at home, because I reached an agreement with my wife, she does not like cooking and I do like it, some years ago I started a cooking course, although I only took the first module which is French cuisine, this has served me as a basis to continue practicing at home.
minutos antes que devoráramos todo sobre la mesa / minutes before we devoured everything on the table
Tengo dos hijas pequeñas, y quienes tienen niños deben entenderme que hay que inventar platos de comida que les agrade, tanto visualmente como en sabor. Esto es un reto diario, en esta ocasión preparamos unas hamburguesas que llamamos “full house”, porque tenía de todo lo que encontráramos en la nevera. Lo colocamos aguacate, papas ralladas, queso, tomate, cebolla, salsas, huevo, repollo rallado y por supuesto carne preparada en casa, pues esas que vender por ahí tienen mucha grasa y otras cosas que uno no sabe.
I have two small daughters, and those who have children should understand that you have to invent food dishes that please them, both visually and in taste. This is a daily challenge, this time we prepared some hamburgers that we called "full house", because I had everything we could find in the fridge. We put avocado, grated potatoes, cheese, tomato, onion, sauces, egg, shredded cabbage and of course meat prepared at home, because those that sell out there have a lot of fat and other things that one does not know.
Cuando digo que preparamos es porque este tipo de comida me permite involucrarlas a ellas en la cocina con cosas sencillas, como picar tomates, colocar las papas, abrir el pan, hacer la limonada, colocar el mantel y los platos, etc.
When I say that we prepare it is because this type of food allows me to involve them in the kitchen with simple things, like chopping tomatoes, placing the potatoes, opening the bread, making the lemonade, placing the tablecloth and plates, etc.
Cuando ellas participan en la cocina, todo es mucho más fácil para que se lo coman todo, creo que cuando sienten que son importantes y participaron en equipo, les emociona el producto terminado y se lo comen. Lo cual me alegra mucho como padre, y ni hablar lo feliz de la mamá que solo la llamen a comer, eh.
When they participate in the kitchen, everything is much easier for them to eat it all, I think that when they feel that they are important and participated as a team, they are excited about the finished product and they eat it. Which makes me very happy as a parent, and not to mention how happy the mom is that they just call her to eat, eh.
con una de estas es suficiente / one of these is enough
Espero les agrade este texto, y aporte un grano de arena a este mar de padres que buscamos hacer lo mejor para nuestros hijos…
I hope you like this text, and contribute a grain of sand to this sea of parents who seek to do the best for our children...