Matcha Banana Wake Up Smoothie (ENG/ PT/ DE)

in hive-148441 •  5 years ago 


Matcha Banana Smoothie


  • Matcha
  • Banana
  • Ginger
  • something to sweet
  • vegetable milk
  • Coconut crunch or rasps
  • Goji Berries

What is Matcha?

Matcha has its roots from the Japanese language and means "ground tea". Matcha tea is a variation of green tea. But this special green tea uses only the young, tender leaf tips of Tencha tea, without stems or stalks.
Each type of green tea contains the amino acid L-theanine. In Matcha tea the content of this amino acid in particular is even slightly higher than in other varieties. L-Theanine can positively support the alpha waves in the brain, which influence a relaxed mood.
In addition to that Matcha has a lot of antioxidants which protect the body from free radicals. Catechins are the main ingredients of Matcha.
A lot of good things are in it. Stay healthy and clean.

Just look at the pictures, I've captured nearly every step of you.




Matcha Banana Smoothie


  • Matcha
  • Banana
  • Gengibre
  • algo para adoçar
  • leite vegetal
  • Crocante de coco ou fricção
  • Bagas de Goji
O que é Matcha?

Matcha tem as suas raízes na língua japonesa e significa "chá moído". O chá Matcha é uma variação do chá verde. Mas este chá verde especial usa apenas as pontas das folhas jovens e tenras do chá Tencha, sem caules ou caules.
Cada tipo de chá verde contém o aminoácido L-teanina. No chá Matcha o conteúdo deste aminoácido em particular é mesmo ligeiramente superior ao de outras variedades. A L-teanina pode suportar positivamente as ondas alfa no cérebro, que influenciam um humor relaxado.
Além disso, a Matcha possui muitos antioxidantes que protegem o organismo dos radicais livres. As catequinas são os principais ingredientes da Matcha.
Nele há muitas coisas boas. Mantenha-se saudável e limpo.

Basta olhar para as fotografias, já captei quase todos os seus passos.




Matcha Bananen Smoothie


  • Matcha
  • Banane
  • Ingwer
  • was zum Süßen
  • pflanzliche Milch
  • Kokosnuss Raspeln
  • Goji Beeren

Was ist Matcha?

Matcha kommt aus dem japanisch und heisst soviel wie "gemahlener Tee". Matcha Tee ist eine Variante vom grünen Tee. Doch bei diesem speziellen grünen Tee werden ausschließlich die jungen zarten Blattspitzen von Tencha Tee benutzt, ohne Stängel oder Stiele.
Jede Sorte von Grünem Tee enthält die Aminosäure L-Theanin. In Matcha Tee ist der Gehalt speziell dieser Aminosäure sogar etwas höher als in anderen Sorten. L-Theanin kann die Alphawellen im Gehirn, welche eine entspannte Grundstimmung mit beeinflussen, positiv unterstützen.
Dazu kommt auch noch, dass Matcha eine Menge an Antioxidantien aufweist, diese wiederum schützten den Körper vor freien Radikalen. Im Matcha sind vor allem Catechine enthalten.

Schaut einfach mal die Bilder an.

text and pictures made by myself. Peace


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That looks like a great way to wake up in the morning!

It is a great way to start the day, hugs to you

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Great breakfast