Hello, dear friends, I hope you are very well, with all this worldwide pandemic situation I have sought a lifestyle that helps me to be physically and spiritually strengthened so as not to fall into sadness or depression.
I recently wrote about the Rastafarian lifestyle in this spiritual movement. They follow their own diet to increase their life, energy: the vital force that flows from each human being.
Today I want to talk to you about some Buddhist habits that will help us feel good both inside and out.
This philosophical trend had its origin in the teachings of Buddha Siddharta Gautama.
in this doctrine there are many beliefs which I
they seem interspersing and they are: reincarnation, reaching nirvana through a life of stillness, contemplation, austerity, and moral discipline.
NO abuse or violence towards all creatures, therefore the meals are all vegetarian. There is no meat, dairy or eggs. They eat lots of lentils, beans, soups, salads, and vegetable dishes.
Buddha gave special importance to food, since he considered that food is a basic activity for the maintenance of life, thanks to it the body is strengthened and healed.
Buddhists have a habit of meditating before eating each meal. This gives them a state of calm and peace before all meals, because eating when you are relaxed helps digestion.
oatmeal is highly recommended for breakfast
by Buddhists it can be combined with cinnamon, pumpkin seeds and raisins.
This food favors the intestinal transit helps to relieve stress and allows the body to get into rhythm.
Another important Buddhist custom is to eat without distraction from the radio, television or computer. their meals are completely silent allowing them to reflect.
This is a very powerful practice which we should take into account.
Another important Buddhist habit is getting up at the first light of dawn, since there is no time to lose. they wake up at five in the morning, they get up early and spend the first two hours of the day meditating as it allows them to be at peace with oneself and with the rest.
Meditation is powerful against tension. It is a broader form of consciousness in which you rise to new heights.
calms the mind and guides the sense of consciousness, encourages positive emotions and expands our perspective.
we can reach nirvana which is the state of liberation both from suffering and have a new rebirth ..
Nirvana means to cool, extinguish . it is a state in which the soul reaches fullness and supreme happiness. it can also be understood as the absence of suffering.
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