Hello StemSocial Community, I'm here with a new animated GIF for the community. Thanks to everyone who dropped amazing comments on my previous StemSocial animation. I hope I'm improving in the creation of StemSocial animation and I will like your honest review. PS: I will be publishing a new article about Socialization connection with Autism this week. Hmmmm, something of that nature, haven't gotten the right topic name yet, just be one a look out for it (smiles). Without wasting any more time, lets take a look at the animated GIF I created for StemSocial Community 👇.
Process Of Creating This Animation
I used Adobe After Effects to design and animate this animation. I didn't use any plugins to create this animation. Let's now just straight into the process of creating this animation.
First, I opened my Adobe After Effects and created a new composition. I set the time for 8 seconds and used a black background.
Next, I created a solid layer and used a White background in order for the animation to look its best.
Next, I imported the StemSocial which I created on Adobe Illustrator.
Next, I added two nice shape layers for texts STEM
Next, I added the texts STEM
Next, I imported the HIVE logo and that finalized the design process.
Take a good look at the final design.
Next, I started the animation process, I don't know how to express the process but know this, it wasn't easy, it took me about 3 hours to get the animation you will be seeing below. I hope I did some justice to it, what do you think? Kindly drop a comment below, telling me what you think about the animation, thanks.