Honeysuckles In My Garden

in hive-148441 •  4 years ago  (edited)

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This gave me a positive vibes today when I woke up early morning to walk our dog Lily. I love the vibrant yellow color that is making the surrounding so lovely and surely gives an ambiance and good feeling in the garden.

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HONEYSUCKLE - Lonicera Caprifolium

The honeysuckle is a right-winded, deciduous, woody climbing plant ( liana ), which can reach stature heights of 2 meters. The flowering period extends from May to July. Each flower head can contain up to twelve flowers. The bracts have grown together in pairs. The hermaphrodite, five-fold, trumpet-shaped flowers are yellowish to white and often reddish.Source

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This is a 15-year old climber that has been blooming season in and season out. It does not have a scent though compared to its pink variety. I had to take out the pink climber from an area close to the border of the neighbor´s garden because they told us that the scent is causing their daughter runny nose as she has an allergy to aromas. At any rate, I planted a newbie two years ago next to this yellow variety and it will soon be thriving too.

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All images taken with Samsung Smartphone J5

GIF by @Gremayo.gif
GIF by @gremayo

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Hello @mers! Long time since I’ve been on, but yours was the FIRST posting I wanted to check in on. I’m so happy to see you’re still posting here. This post made me feel happy too! I hope you are well in these troubled times. Love love love your photos of the honeysuckle, SO pretty 💕💕💕