Flying above my village.

in hive-148441 •  5 years ago 

Hello people! I was flying today above my village, trying if drone still works because time was awful and I didn't fly with drone about month or so. Everything works fine. I also wanted to take 60fps video just to see how smooth footage would look and I was satisfied with result. I also took few photos that were taken in HDR as I was talking few posts ago. I will share with you my video of my village just so you can enjoy its 60fps glory! :D




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Pomislih, gde je ovaj leteo u vreme karantina :) Kad ono dron. Lepo je videti da ima jos aktivnih ovde. Pozdrav!

Hahaha. :D
Nastavljamo dalje, mada svi su presli na Hive. :)

Da, kapiram. Ali imam problem da ljudima tamo odgovaram. Stoji mi neki permission za to. Pomoc?

Ne znam sto to. Ne znam kako da ti pomognem za to. Vidi na discordu da ti neko objasni, ja stvarno ne znam u cemu je problem.