Hi steemit
- Today is the 6th sunday we are worshiping at home due to covid-19 lockdown, the scripture says that a time cometh when we shall not go to Jerusalem to worship but that true worshipers will worship God in spirit and truth and indeed this gives us the liberty to worship God at any place in time and he will hear and answer us.
Service started with prayer, praise and worship
Bible reading led by adorable Mercy and Henry
After the bible reading we sang a hymn
Reflection and bible sharing by my friend and big sis of which everybody participated
Special number by we the house choristers we sang, Oceans by hillsong
We indeed called upon his name and keep our eyes above the waves for our dear country and the world.
We read 1 cor 13 that talked about the greatest commandment
Love is kind, patient not boastful and does not keep record of wrong, loves leads one to obey and trust others, love helps us live in harmonwy with God and man and it helps us treat others the way we want them to treat us.