Hi steemit
Its another fine and beautiful day here and we are delighted to be up early, alive and healthy.
Here is water the number one substance or social amenity that holds life together very much available in some places and very much lacking in others, with all the effort put in place by government to provide portable water for all, not all the villages in Nigeria can boost of a portable and clean water source.
Oyun is one simple and developing village in kwara state lacking this most needed item, individuals have all find ways to provide for themself.
During the rains seasons waters is harvested from the sky when rain falls which is such a great relief, but problems arise during the dry seasons in which wells that were dug and saves water for human use gets dry and the little remaining is protected by individuals who owns this well with locks and key.
- Boreholes are expensive to construct and the only functioning one is this one, constructed by the central mosque and often times individual contribute money to buy fuel for the generator that pumps water because electricity is lacking to do this job when needed.
- Instead of expensive boreholes, people here dig wells and insert a pumping maching to pump water to their storex but for personal use
- Water distribution is now a business venture where the hausa-fulani's carry water in cans and wheel barrows for community to buy, they sell a complete barrow for 1000 naira.
- Other individual also partake in this business as they construct a well with its storage tank where the put out taps for people to fetch water for a token. Here is a place that does such, no one is seen in sight because it rained yesterday and people have taken their needed water of which they store these in drums and cans.