Gaming in the Quarantine!

in hive-148441 •  5 years ago 

As part of @battlegames "Share Your Screenshot" initiative on #HIVE, I've been looking through some of the games I've been playing since beginning my Work-From-Home physical isolation in April. In looking for good screenshots for this, I've become suddenly very aware that I don't take NEARLY enough screenshots while gaming!

The one exception to this seems to be Skyrim, which I have... way way too many screenshots of. Some of the first ones I took wayyy back when it released in November of 2011 were these:


More recently though, I've been playing a lot of Warframe again, and am currently just cleaning up some quests that I've had lingering for a long time. It's one of those games I pick up for a few weeks and then leave alone for half a year, so I'm a little behind with the current end-game (Obligatory: "Fashion Frames are the Endgame" comment).

So this is what I was up to last night:


I have Inaros already - probably from back when I regularly got 75% off coupons for Platinum and bought a bunch of the at-the-time New warframes - But I'd never actually completed the quests for it and thought it was about time I started knocking some of those out!

I've also been playing some Mount & Blade: Bannerlord which just released last week, but I haven't yet taken any actually cool screenshots of that game so I will include those in another post sometime in the days and weeks to come, as I get a bit further into that game.

Now, with that said - I should get back to gaming, and of course, taking more screenshots!

Thanks for reading!

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