Hi JV;
Remarkable; what the pain that you feel is; it was really reminiscent for for burs and thistles; I have been quite low myself at times; what I feel about your pain is that it's like there are not only boundaries; but an acrid brisk actual gore to them; when we have the mercy to collectively take them from you as a human family; we shall; I don't often speak on behalf of so many who care about you so much; but it is required. Children are beautiful, relics are wonderful; I ask that you dream more; beyond catharsis. I recommend the film "Life Is Beautiful", about WW2 and how a child deals with horror all around them. Jesus loves you, I know that because I am Christian, where you are, first things first, keep writing and get all the grush out of you and we'll all, as we do too, get clearer to see what our journey as a people of this planet actually are. God bless, steem-sibling