I thought it was time to show my Little-Peppers this trick.
Last night "Monster Truck the Pepper" (our oldest son) made a short "blowgun" out of a section of bamboo. He thought it was kind of cool, so I decided to show him something that could work with it. I pulled out a porcupine quill and cut the end off of it. I left the dark-colored tip, but exposed the hollow center of the quill by removing the end that had previously been attached to a porcupine. Then, I trimmed a couple of chicken feathers and slid them into the hollow center of quill, effectively making a tiny dart. These quills are really sharp, so although they are very light, they can still stick really well when you hit your target.
The Little-Peppers had already made some small targets, so we pulled a few of them out to practice our aim with. The short blowgun is a lot harder to aim than a longer one, but we still had some fun and hit the targets a few times. I used to do this years ago, and it was fun to show my children. Enjoy the photos!
Until next time…
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