Hi this is Lorenzo from The Constellation. I'm proud to introduce The Constellation to Hive Revolution.
The Constellation
the Community Life Competence
Hive and Steemit
the Community Blockchain Competence
Our approach
Change is only real when it springs from within. Let's celebrate your dreams.
Which is why the facilitators and coaches of our network stimulate individuals and communities to take action
through an approach (SALT) that appreciates strengths and fosters local ownership.
In order to achieve ownership, people walk through a rigorous action-learning cycle
called the Community Life Competence Process (CLCP).
The Community Life Competence Process (CLCP) and SALT
The Constellation is a not-for-profit organisation formed in 2005 to respond to the HIV/AIDS pandemic. Since 2005, the Constellation has facilitated local responses in more than 50 countries, through more than 100 partnerships with governments and national and international organisations. They have found our methodology to be an effective tool to advance their projects.
Though HIV/AIDS was our starting point, today we celebrate the actions of communities in response to a diverse set of life challenges. To highlight just a few, we would mention: child health, maternal health, aquatic agriculture, village life, nutrition, environment and ecology, diabetes, AIDS, malaria, water, sanitation and hygiene, school life and education, palliative care, and aging with dignity.
Our starting point… is that when people take ownership of their challenge, they will take action to deal with that challenge. In addition, when that sense of ownership becomes embedded within individuals and communities the action they take is not dependent on external stimulus: this sense of ownership is the foundation of sustainability.
What do we do not mean by ownership? We do not mean ‘consultation’: we do not mean ‘engagement: we do not mean ‘empowerment’. Ownership means that the community decides on the action that it wishes to take and it takes that action.
What we propose is a systematic step-by-step methodology that allows the community to take ownership of their challenge. We call this the Community Life Competence Process (CLCP). Facilitators accompany the community as it moves towards ownership of their challenges with an appreciative approach that we characterise by the acronym SALT (Support, Appreciate, Learn,Transfer).
A Real case - Help us bring this story to everyone
The Amitoyens in Pays de Gex, France, had a dream for themselves and for future generations. As one of them, Stephanie, says: “The society that we have created, no longer works. We are at the end of the road. We want to propose a different way of living and we want to make it work, together”. Throughout the years they had to adapt their dream and their actions, but the shared values of people and families in les Amitoyens stood strong. In the context of a collapsing ecosystem, Dare is a story of love, vision and courage to act.
Help us bring this story to everyone
We think that many others can benefit from the experience of Les Amitoyens. Their determination to deal with challenges that come on their way can inspire other groups that want to make a difference, for themselves and for next generations. Therefore, we want people in many places to see this movie, to discuss it and to learn from it.
We are reaching out to you as organiser of festivals, neighborhood events, those engaged in co-housing projects, social enterprises, students and anyone interested in societal change. We hope together we can make screening events in your groups possible, where ever you are in the world. Contact us on [email protected].