How to get traffic to a blog from pinterest?

in hive-148441 •  5 years ago 

Whenever someone thinks to driving traffic to a blog, the first thing is to have quality and organic content, as we all know content is always the king.

People use many things to get traffic and here we will perticularly talk about getting traffic to the quality content by pintrest.

Most people consider Pinterest as just another social platform, but reality is different.

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Why ???

In fact, Pinterest is the second largest search engine in the web space, obviously not owned by Google.

In most of the social platforms, a new post gets the visibility for a few hours to a few days, but a pin on Pinterest will continue to get views and shares for a longer duration.

More the visibility means, each pin that you create can potentially continue to drive traffic to your blog for a longer duration as far as the pin will get displayed there.

Pinterest is drive traffic because of the visual content. Every pin on Pinterest is actually an image (Though now they have introduced video and still on experiment mode).

Though there are many important things are related to a pins, but the image is the most powerful stuff, thats attracts more traffic.

Your image needs to stand out in the crowd, hence always customize your image and give more time to make it more attractive. 800px x 1200px is probably the best dimensions for an image to pin in pinterest.

Your image should always provide some info, its a very powerful thing that can bring traffic to your blog.

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