Tassle Flower Seeds
Scientific Name: Emilia sonchifolia
Found In: Africa, Asia, Australia, America and various Oceanic Island.`
It looks like a cupid brush and grows up to a height of 40 cm. It's purple in colour.
It is used as a medicinal plants and is also cooked and used as a vegetable in some places. The powdered of the plant is used to distill liquor in Nepal.
Florida Tassle Flower
Scientific Name: Emilia fosbergi
Found In: Africa, Asia, Australia, America and various Oceanic Island.
It has red disc florets and can grow up to a height of 100 cms.
It's uses are unknown.
Quick weed or Gallant soldier
Scientific Name: Galingsoga Parviflora
Found In: Mostly everywhere.
It has yellow tubular and white petals with the most height of 75 cm.
In Colombia it is used as a spice herb in the soup called " Ajiaco"
Sleeping Beauty or Creeping woodsorrel
Scientific Name: Oxalis Corniculata
Found In: Asia, America, Europe and Australia.
The four petals are yellow and not used commonly but it's leaves are edible and rich it C.
Acmella or Toothache Plant
Scientific Name: Acmella Ciliata
Found In: Asia, America, Africa, Australia and Pacific Island.
It can grow up to a height of 60 cm, has a yellowish color and is used as a herbal remedy for toothache and other oral infections.
We chewed it during our childhood days, and I still remember somewhere the stinging effects of it.
White Eye
Scientific Name: Richardia Brasiliensis
Found In: America, Pacific Island and Asia.
It can grow up to a height of 6.5 cms and has white petals.
It is used medicinally in Brazil for diabetes and antiemetic.
Bidens Biternata
Was not able to find much specific information on this.
Please let me know if you know this species name.
These above plants were found in my campus area and some even in my garden, all I needed was a little observation :)
Plant info were collected from PlantSnap and Wikipedia
All photos were shot by smartphone Vivo Y83 Pro
Short stories writer, an art lover
from NorthEast, India.