"Everything falls apart
Then I get to try to put it back together!"
This song reminds me of my sweet teen. I wonder how the meaning of each lyric change over time when I listen to this now. But the truth stays the same; everything falls apart. No matter how we try, no matter how we put everything back, everything falls apart at the end.
Life is so unpredictable! Our relationship, friendship, bonding everything changes over time. We ourselves change over time. Our belief, attitude, perspective change gradually, right? Every relationship changes, every bond; it takes a different shape, different meaning.
It's not like falling apart is always bad. When I look back, I get a really different view of life which doesn't exist anymore. It sometimes feels what I lived in is a different life, someone else's life I lived. Eventually, I became a different person, only a handful of people now matters in my life, the definition of love changes over time. It's not like you lose something but seeing the changes sometimes feels edgy.
Just think about our current situation, who knew there will be CoronaVirus and we have to live like this. How we build our society, what norms we practiced so far, everything is falling apart. It seems like we have to adopt a totally new lifestyle. I think it's for the good. We are learning it in a hard way, that's the worst part.
This is how life changes. It always changes it's meaning, our priority changes, everything we knew, believe in falls apart gradually. But our 'core belief', 'core values' can save everything. It gives us the courage to put back everything all together. We can become a different person, a nicer one but the changes we went through must not be forgotten. This journey makes us what we are not.
And when we fall again, we will know how to get back everything, how to put everything back in place. This continues until the end. We also have to put our effort to make it right again. These little blocks create the path of life.
I have no regret seeing how everything is falling apart. I accept the fact and I put the block on the place right after. Let the game continue...
Much Love
I'm a life & nature enthusiast, I love to learn human psychology, I'm a 'Book worm' and very introvert but also love to travel. I'm trying to live mindfully and most importantly, I'm a positive learner.

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