The Purposeless struggle of Proving 'We are better than others'!

in hive-148441 •  4 years ago 

There's no place to deny we all try to do our best. Well, that's okay for me if anyone puts their 100% and more to be the best. That should we do actually. But maybe we can't show the real necessity of proving ourselves best. Because I believe there's no need for it. Yet we spend many of our productive time on this useless struggle.


It feels good to think we are the best, we are better than anyone. It's good to make a positive image of ourselves. But we must have a good understanding of what we are and how much ability we have. Otherwise, there will be a high chance to have 'wrong understanding' about ourselves.

You see, I never say it's wrong to think 'we are the best'. But it's very wrong to try to prove 'we are better than anyone.

There's a huge difference between the two. The first one can keep you motivated. But the second one can kill your self-esteem. And not only self-esteem, but I also say it can ruin your life.

When you go through "continuous comparison", that's when you feel the need to prove yourself 'you are better than anyone'. You can be the best or not but the pointless urge of proving it can ruin your 'other' potential.

But the truth is we don't recognize it. You can see how people behave on social media, from celebrities to commoners. Everyone is running to prove how better they are than anyone. This toxic message is running our mental ability also. We are trying to be better than 'others' but not the best of what we can. You can relate it with racism, religion, work style, culture, and almost everything, how we usually compare to prove ourselves better.

I always believe, our goal should be giving the best of us not proving how good we are. You understand the slight difference, right? When we put our efforts on 'proving' us, we lose our positive energy there and make us less productive. Believe in you, give your 100%, be your own competitor.


We must take inspiration, we can follow idols but when we start to 'compare' and do everything to prove 'we are the best' we unknowing 'step-back' from our growth. This pointless struggle can give us 'temporary joy' but in the long run, we will win nothing. We all have different purposes. And that's why we should try to be the best of us.

You don't know another person's struggles and achievements. Because there are many things we don't know and people never share everything. So when you compare, you can only take a few 'aspects' not the whole person in your comparison. And thinking 'you are better' depends on some aspects will be very wrong.

That's why it's always better to be the best of you. Putting ourselves on the struggle to be better than anyone is useless.


Much Love

Who I am?
I'm a Happy and Proud stay home Mom of a toddler boy.
I'm a life & nature enthusiast, I love to learn human psychology, I'm a 'Book worm' and very introvert but also love to travel. I'm trying to live mindfully and most importantly, I'm a positive learner.

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