Pani puri is the favourite food of indian girls. And i am included in this list :p I am eating it since my childhood and never bored and i can eat it daily. ☻
I also tried to make pani puri at home and succeed as well but not a get taste like sellers who are selling it because they have special skill to make it.
And different types of spices make it more tasty. Along with this the water of panipuri is also yummy and i love to drink it. ♥
Dahi-puri is also variety of pani puri recipe. But i like more the main recipe which is called pani puri. And it is so spicy.
Dahi puri is not spicy at all. Because dahi-puri has more quantity of curd. So like more spicy taste than Sour taste.
Wondering Larry is the best place to take real taste of this recipe. i never prefer to go hotel to eat pani puri.
And this is floating pani puri which i have also like it. And it is also spicy because green chilly is there.
So these two varieties are too good. You must taste it once and you will be agree with my thoughts. Thank you.
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