The environmentrefersto air,water and land in which people ,animals and plant live. But it is polluting serioulyday by day so invironment polution has become on of the most talk of topics of the world. In this way our invironment is getting pollution.It is impossible to stop total pollutin, but we can minimize it raising public awareness.
Pollution is the introduction of harmful materials into the environment. These harmful materials are called pollutants. Pollutants can be natural, such as volcanic ash. They can also be created by human activity, such as trash or runoff produced by factories. Pollutants damage the quality of air, water, and land.
We are making the world a lot dirtier day by day the colors of the earth are ruining the beauty of appearance because we are serving and will do a lot as well as the air and animals are becoming detrimental to the health of the birds. And it would be easier and healthier to take action from the wind, so I would also say Zeno Environmental Pollution
All the possible harms of environmental pollution are listed.
1.Shortness of breath.
2.Blood cancer.
3.Stones in the stomach.
4.Can cause throat cancer .
5.and heart stroke and related problems.
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