so by now I guess most of you know how this works I show you some news clips about the country in question breaking news out of Pakistan

there's a crisis in us-pakistani relations mixed messaging coming from Pakistan Pakistan settle your own problems world leaders are urging Pakistan and India to take some deep breaths and then I go there and see what it's like behind the headlines but wait a second I think this guy has some things to say there's one place once described as the world's most dangerous country that's offering up a pleasant surprise Pakistan so should we see if we can find that pleasant surprise this man's talking about I'm confident we're gonna find something more of the pocket fan that I was expecting to see everyone should come in Pakistan there's nothing wrong with it wonderfully peaceful now so we're just doing a typical morning routine here and up too bad hello melaku we just got that local transport there those costs about 20 rupees each or 30 rupees for you know a few kilometers and then we head to this local coffee shop and then after that we're going to head up into this really remote area it's going to take us several hours to get there we have to get a transport to a city and then we're gonna have to hire a geo to take us up the mountain side if you need four-wheel drive access any way still I'm gonna go so we will get the coffee hit up into the mountain goats dip as here he's looking like a pilgrim with a big blanket on Vanessa have a good day oh my go how are you I'm ready ready this what's the plan Baba yes we are first we are going to man Sarah it's a you can say that adjacent city to Abbottabad about 30 kilometers from man Sarah we will be going to a mountain village this is the plan and okay so we just pulled over on the way to the mountain village but we went past the viewpoint as you can see there four men Sarah then Sarah actually has quite an interesting history basically this road that we're following here Barbara this was the Silk Road I know this is not the Silk Road the road which we traveled before from Abbottabad that was the Silcock enemy turned off yeah then we turned off and we bypassed effed-up Mun Sarah City you know we are in the surrounding of maan Sarah it's a village also can you explain a little bit about the history you were telling me before about man Sarah and the Indian Kings and things like that quite an interesting maybe Justin yeah basically man sir man Chara is before the name of maan Singh who is one of the ministers very important ministers in the in the government of a famous king of India whose name is Akbar Akbar he was the Mughal Emperor maan Singh was was a Hindu you can say that minister of awkward and he's very famous that is why it is called man Sarah let's see how it goes because it's it's still raining outside okay so try not to get run over so we've arrived in a mountain village we've jumped out of the normal car and now we're going to find a jeep but check out this village in the mean time really nice to be in the foothills of the Himalayas up here beautiful fresh air but I must say the driver he is a nice guy of course don't get me wrong but he's a bit loose with the some of the corners there and the big cliff so this is definitely more of the Pakistan that I was expecting to see more local life roads are a bit more rugged you know so it's cool that you can come and still find this you know this side of the country here but again people are very welcoming everywhere you go and generous so we're gonna go and find a jeep now I'm paying the driver 7000 rupees for the whole day and he's going to selam aleykum and that's to drive us here which was like a 2 hour or so drive and then we're gonna get the Jeep which will be another 30 to 30 minute to an hour drive up into the hills and then returning