Volga River SunsetsteemCreated with Sketch.

in hive-148441 •  5 years ago 

The pics were captured during traveling around the Samara Bend.

The golden hour is a photography term, the period of time (~ 60 minutes) right after sunrise or before sunset, when daylight is soft and is good to take naturally lit photos.

Золотой час -- это фотографический термин, обозначающий период времени (примерно 60 минут) сразу после рассвета или до заката, когда свет мягок и идеален для создания снимков при естественном дневном освещении.


This is one of the wonderful sunsets we see often on the Volga river. The Zhiguli mountains (actually hills) are in the background.

Один из красивых закатов, которые мы, волжане, видим очень часто. На заднем плане виднеются Жигулёвские горы.


To compare, this is a sunrise captured on the Usinsky kurgan (Lepyoshka mount in Russian), having the Molodetsky kurgan and Togliatti city in the background.

Рассвет на Усинском кургане (гора Лепёшка). На заднем плане Молодецкий курган и город Тольятти.

Gear: Canon EOS 600D + EF-S 18-55 II

Taken on Jul 13, 2017 & Jul 30, 2017, respectively

Location: the Volga river near to Samara, Russia

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@valerianis, Both two sunset images so beautiful. Especially I most prefer to vloga river's sunset image because it has very calm look than other image. But your effort so valuable. Excellent caught.