What is Doc.com?
Doc.com has created free basic & affordable healthcare & psychological services for the world through telemedicine. Now offering its services in 20+ countries in LatAm & 32 US states, Doc.com has thousands of users and is putting all epidemiological data on an innovative healthcare blockchain. By providing free basic healthcare for the world not only is Doc.com revolutionizing healthcare access, it’s also one of the most significant blockchain and tech projects ever.
Unlike other telehealth companies, Doc.com requires no insurance and we have our physicians on staff, ready to take patient calls for one low subscription price. Through our Blockchain and AI platform, we offer unrivaled speed and simplicity to our users, while also rewarding patients for their medical data. This anonymized statistical data will ultimately be made available to institutions around the world to advance medical research, and even support in future pandemics and health crises.