How to make the world a better place for everyone

in hive-148441 •  5 years ago  (edited)

Team somebody great nation


The art of giving is never theoretical, it is practical. Dr. Timothy Keller, an American Preacher an author has this to say about giving "Living is giving. We live life best, when we give ourselves, our resources, our competencies and our time to others. If you spend your money on yourself, you are just surviving. But if you want your life to count, if you want to really live - GIVE. Giving is thus a very important part of life. It is the evidence that we possess a grateful heart that can affect others positively. It may hurt when we give, but at the end, reap the good we give for the betterment of life. There is no one that doesn't have something to give. The Creator has endowed us with different resources that we can make use of to better the lot of people we come in contact with in life. Among many things we can give, these are some of the important ones:

LOVE. Man naturally wants to be loved and appreciated. Your love for others must be an unconditionally one. The love you give must be the type that easily forgives and forgets offences. The world is overtaken by love of self, so let love flow from you to others. Some acts of love are often inexpensive - a listening ear, an encouraging word, a bright smile, a candid advice, this love has the capability to transform someone's outlook and reasoning in life.

TIME. This is the period available to anyone to engage i activities of choice. It is a scarce resource such that its use often requires prioritization to get the best and make the most of it. Giving is not only in cash or physical gifts. You can spare your time to attend a burial ceremony of a relation, a fellow worker in the office, visit and pray for people, be involved in the kingdom service. The time you give to attend to some basic needs in the life of others is always appreciated. Many acts of giving require commitment of time for effectiveness. Many people fall short of the injunction to give because they do not have time to give what is relevant to some situations.

TREASURE. Giving entails sharing of our physical possession with others around us. This can be in form of possessions like money, items, clothing, accommodation etc. Giving also involves incurring expenses on our part in order to assist others. Every worthwhile giving is at a cost. Giving is not limited to only time of abundance or convenience; in fact, it is even better to give at a time when you feel you don't have sufficient things to give, worthwhile and acceptable giving is done even beyond one's ability, in season and out of season.

Learn to give for giving makes us live the whole(purpose) of our existence.

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