Hello friends, how are you doing today and u hope you are having a great day??. Today I want to share a very happy and tremendous day.
Since many years,I planted my palm tree waiting for it to bear fruit but nothing happened.
Today,I woke up,say my morning prayers and ate my breakfast. I went to the farm in search of firewoods but I was surprised to see my palm tree bear fruits.... not just one but many indeed.
Am gaze what friends...... today am going to use some of it to cook my banga soup using the following methods
- after bringing out the palm fruit, I will wash them.
- put it inside my pot and cook it until it can be easy to grind.
- boil my hot water and add it inside the grinded palm fruit and turn it properly, removing the nuts,chaffs, and other precipitate.
- put the liquid in my pot, add my cooked meat, onions, Banga spice, crefish, sachet tomatoes which is optional, add my stock fish, dried fish (arira), add my salt, Maggi, chillies etc and turn the mixture properly and allow it in the fire for some minutes.
- after the mixture have boil properly.....u can add ur scent leaf and pumpkin leaf, turn together and bring my Banga soup down from the fire.
I will use my white rice to eat it 😋😋😋😋😋😋😋 yum yum yum.
Thanks for reading my post......... appreciation goes to my mentor..... @focusnow .