Klāna, Delicious Kurdish Food!

in hive-148497 •  3 years ago 


Hello Foodies! I am super happy since I found your community where I can learn to cook tens of different foods & deserts from all over the world; so I'm gonna share mine and hope you guys like it!
From a trip I had to "Sanandaj" (the capital of Kurdistan in Persia) years ago, I heard about a traditional BREAD that Kurdish people like very much. So at my very first night of staying there, I went down where I could find Klāna!

Now what is Klāna?

Klāna is a simple melange of thin bread filled with wheat flour, butter, solid oil, milk, sugar and scallion. In its traditional recipe, a mountain vegetable called "Pichak" is also used; but you can skip that part! Or instead, some neighbourhood regions use honeysuckle and ivy, and onions instead of scallions. It is usually eaten with some yogurt or "Doogh" by its side. "Doogh" is a Persian/Arabic drink that I might write about sometime later.

Although Klāna is usually known as just a bread, but it is typically a FOOD, and Kurd people themselves use it as a full meal most of the time.
Klāna's geographic background goes back to Kurdistan, Kermanshāh and West Azerbaijan. Although Kurdistan is currently divided into three countries, (Iran, Turkey, Iraq) Klāna is still routine and beloved in all three!
This food can be also prepared in a very short time; therefore lots of folks call it the world's earliest Fast Food! I personally don't know it to be true, but unlike almost all fast foods, Klāna is super healthy & full of proteins! And exactly for its healthiness & the energy it gives, Kurd people cook it twice as usual when winter arrives!

Wheat flour: 2 Modules
Scallion: 100g
Solid oil: half a module
Sugar / or salt: as you wish!
Milk: 1 Module
Butter: 50-100g
It takes between 10-30 minutes to cook this.
The above recipe is enough for 4 people.
It is customary to serve Klāna for Breakfast.

Here's an external link to sources you may need:

P.s: The photo above is from my travel to Kurdistan, just before I eat my Klāna!


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Dude I should try it

Be careful it's addictive! 😉👌🏻