Hello friends i am very happy to present to you the pottage plantain i prepare today.
Nigeria Unripe plantain pottage. Traditionally, plantain pottage can be prepared using ripe or Unripe plantain. But i used Unripe plantain to prepare my own plantain pottage, trust me you will like it.
Unripe plantain
smoked fish
palm oil
small onion
blend pepper
Maggi cubes
ponmo or Kanda in English is cowhide
#Image of the ingredients#
I peel and cut the plantain in to medium sized
I wash my ponmo or kanda and put it inside the put
I also wash my smoked fish and put inside the put
I wash and cut onion inside the put
I put pepper, Maggi cube, salt, and crayfish
I put water that will cook the plantain and put the pot on fire
Then after 5 minutes I put palm oil and allow it to cook
Here my pottage plantain is ready
Thanks very much friends for reading, i hope you leaned from it