My Favorite Meat Shop

in hive-148497 •  4 years ago  (edited)

apakabar sahabat stemian dimanapun kalian berada,saya mencoba menceritakan makanan yang satu ini yaitu daging,
saya sangat menyukai daging karena dari itu di Indonesia ketika hari hari besar kebanyakan kita membeli daging untuk bisa di masak dan dimakan oleh keluarga besar,yang lebih terkesannya lagi ketika hari lebaran mau tiba,yaitu hari megang khususnya ummat muslim semua kita membeli daging sapi untuk di sediakan di rumah sebagaimana yang sudah di lakuin oleh nenek moyang kita terdahulu,atau dengan kata lain Adat/Reusam,dan saya sedikit menceritakan mengenai daerah saya,yaitu Aceh,di aceh daging sapi itu sering di sajikan ketika hari perkawinan,atau hari hari besar lainnya seperti sekarang sedang memperingati hari lahirnya baginda Nabi besar Nabi Muhammad SAW,yang mana beliau telah membawa kita dari alam kebodohan hingga ke alam yang berilmu pengetahuan,maka dari itu kita ummat Nabi Muhammad SAW,Sunnah memuliakan hari lahirnya baginda yaitu Nabi Muhammad SAW.

Dan saya sangat menyukai ketika saya membeli daging di pasar Kota Panton Labu Kab Aceh Utara,Karena di sini daging tersedia dengan berbagai macam sapi,ada sapi dari luar aceh maupun sapi lokal,harganya pun sekitar 150 ribu itu tergantung juga,bisa murah lagi atau pun mahal.

semoga nanti ketika hari megang tiba saya bisa belanja daging bersama kawan saya sekaligus guru saya yang mengajak saya main steemit,dan beliau adalah @el-nailul

how are you stemian friends wherever you are, I am trying to tell you about this one food, namely meat,
I really like meat because of that in Indonesia when we are on big holidays, most of us buy meat to be cooked and eaten by our extended family, which is even more impressed when Eid is coming, which is the holding day, especially Muslims, all of us buy beef for the provide it at home as has been done by our ancestors, or in other words Adat / Reusam, and I tell a little about my area, namely Aceh, in Aceh beef is often served on the day of marriage, or other holidays. as now is commemorating the birthday of the great Prophet Muhammad SAW, where he has brought us from the realm of ignorance to the realm of knowledge, therefore we the ummat of the Prophet Muhammad SAW, Sunnah glorifies the birthday of the king, namely Prophet Muhammad SAW._

And I really like it when I buy meat at the market in the City of Panton Labu, North Aceh Regency, because here meat is available with various kinds of cows, there are cows from outside Aceh and local cows, the price is around 150 thousand it depends too, can be cheap again or anything expensive.

IMG_20200423_094647 (1).jpg

Bukan cuma itu daging sapi kaya akan protein,selain protein daging sapi juga mengandung nutrisi lain dan mengandung vitamin dan mineral

  1. Mempertahankan Massa Otot

            Seperti yang di jelaskan di atas daging sapi mengandung protein yang tinggi,maka mengosumsi daging bisa menghilangkan massa otot yang lemah seiring bertambahnya usia ,Sumber protein makanan terbaik adalah makanan yang berasal dari hewan, seperti daging sapi, ikan, dan produk susu,dan juga daging ayam,daging kambing yang bisa kita konsumsi bagi yang merasa hilangnya massa otot seiring bertambahnya usia.

Not only that, beef is rich in protein, besides beef protein it also contains other nutrients and contains vitamins and minerals

1. Maintaining Muscle Mass
As explained above, beef is high in protein, so eating meat can eliminate weak muscle mass as you age.The best sources of dietary protein are foods of animal origin, such as beef, fish and dairy products, as well as meat. chicken, goat meat that we can consume for those who feel the loss of muscle mass with age.


2.Meningkatkan kinerja olah raga

Mengosumsi daging sangat bagus bagi seorang olahragawan,karena daging bisa cepat membentukan otot otot kita,sehingga dalam waktu tidak lama otot kita bisa di bentuk dengan cepat,tergantung kita giat olahraganya juga.

2. Improve sports performance

Eating meat is very good for an athlete, because meat can quickly build our muscles, so that in no time our muscles can be shaped quickly, depending on our active exercise too.


3.Pencegahan Anamenia

Anamenia bisa menyebabkan kehilangan sel dara merah,yang bisa menyebabkan otot otot lemah dan kelelahan
daging sapi adalah sumber zat besi terutama zat besi hame.

semoga postingan saya bermanfaat untuk kawan kawan semua dimanapu kalian berada.

3. Anamenia prevention

Anamenia can cause red blood cell loss, which can lead to muscle weakness and fatigue
beef is a great source of iron, especially hame iron.

I hope my post is useful for all my friends wherever you are.

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amazing meat market, and beef also is my favourite of my area people, too , in my village beef ,cow and goat meat is much favourite, same way meat shop are in my area, so i am feeling that you are introduction my area shop , but there is one picture in which i can see head of cow that is under the table, thank for sharing your area meat market detail

@yousafharoonkhan thank you, I hope we are always healthy, because health is number 1, so you can do your activities easily, you can shop for meat hehe, nice to meet you

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