Permit me to use this medium to say a big thank you to everyone who have been continuously been supportive through out my journey on the steemit platform i say a big thank you. It is on a very normal circumstances where things might have been better i was wishing to write this not on an avenue that things turn to go side ways. I am making this post in regards to the predicament I find myself.
To be sincere, i really dont know where to start with this actually, it with a heavy heart I am making this post. Heaven knows this is really hard on my side to make this post. Please dint be offended with this dear friends, dint feel like i am disturbing you but i really need any help i can get for this seems to be my last bus stop.
You might say i just went on Blabbing without any serious reason behind this post. The reason behind me making this is to try and see how i can get support for the completion of my sisters treatment.
This is my sister on a normal day. Sickness has really eaten her up.
She has been down in health for quite some time now. The first time it happended she was rushed to the hospital and lots of test were conducted on her. Today it will be Malaria, Tomorrow it would be Typhoid, next there will say she has a very high typhoid that has entered her brain and many laboratory test results i really cant even say them out.
That was the first stage of the while predicament for us. It haven't been easy living without Our Dad and no serious assist from Mom i wouldn't say Mom jsn't trying she is but things are really rough for us now. Her business isn't moving as before we are experiencing a total bankruptcy we are out of cash, we are still trying to recover from the first expenses but not long after that the sickness started again.
Only The first test and treatment that was conducted we are almost out of cash. This is really hard .
It isn't really a good thing for we are mostly like on our own funding this treatment she has been admitted again and this time the doctor said it would be nice for ber safety if she is been given bed in the hospital .
Immediately she was rush to the hospital she was dripped and was later discovered that she needed some pan of blood. That has been taken care of but there are still other things needed to be don. You know how hospitals are now.
Please i am begging you guys for support help support in the little ways you can to see that my sister is back and well again.
This would really be of grate help guys. Please help us raise the money needed.
Thanks for your help and support in anticipation.