Pakistan is famous for its “Kinno” (Orange) production. So I am very fond of this and almost 40 different types of oranges and kinoo are found in Pakistan. During my visit of local university I saw these Miniature Oranges. They were new for me and I was very amazed to see these.

Over all these Miniature Oranges looked like real ones. Their texture was also very familiar and easy to peel as their cover was very soft. I think these Miniature Oranges were grown for some experiments so I saw only few plants.
The orange plant was small but a large quantity of oranges were grown on it. All oranges were equal in size. On tree I also saw some green oranges, they might be ready in few days. I was very surprised to see a large number of tiny oranges.

I peeled of one orange to check. It looked like a big orange but it was seedless. So I was holding a Miniature seedless Orange hoping for a good taste. But my expectation proved wrong as the taste was very sour and unpleasant. Maybe they use these Miniature Oranges for some other purposes like in fruit chat. On internet I searched about Miniature Oranges and read that clementine is a type of mandarin orange which are small-sized, seedless and sweet. If anyone has tried these sweet small oranges must tell me in comment section.