Assalamu'alaikum Wr.Wb
How are you all steemit, hopefully still in good condition. Today I again greet all of my friends with a post about the birthday celebration that is carried out by Muslims every year.
In Islam, birthday celebrations have been carried out by Muslims from generation to generation to commemorate the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad SAW.
In Aceh, the commemoration of the Prophet Muhammad's birthday is known as "moulod". In its implementation, residents held a big feast by inviting orphans and their relatives. ... Based on the calendar in the Islamic calendar, the tradition of celebrating Maulid starts from Rabiul Awal, Rabiul Akhir and Jumadil Awal
Through khanduri molod, Muslims can knit brotherhood, care for togetherness. For this reason, those who allow to celebrate khanduri molod, also different procedures according to the customs of each region, should not be a problem. This is certainly a very positive thing to connect and bind friendships. Sometimes even distant relatives come closer to fulfill the invitation
Thus the post about the traditions and the various kinds of food available at the time of the celebration. Hope all friends like it.