spaghetti is one food I love very much ,so I decided to learn how to prepare it in different ways,this is one way I make my spaghetti and I call this special spaghetti
-hot dog sausage
-green pepper
-yellow pepper
-red pepper
-oyster sauce
-sesame oil
-groundnut oil
Put your spaghetti in a pot and perboil till it’s soft after which u bring it down
##Picture of my perboiled spaghetti
Get a bowl wash and slice your vegetables
(carrot,yellowpepper,greenpepper,redpepper,hot dog,onion),get another plate break your egg and whisk it very well .
###Picture of my vegetables and hotdog
Get your fried pan ,add a little bit of groundnut oil,allow to heat a little then add your vegetables,your hotdog and keep stirring then add your oyster oil and your sesame oil,continue to stir very well before adding your perboiled spaghetti and continue to stir .
###Here is a picture of sesame and oyster oil
###Picture of my fried vegetables
###Here is a picture of my fried vegetables mixed with spaghetti
Get a different fry pan add alittle groundnut oil,add your whisk egg then you add your whisk egg and fry after few minutes,the egg should be fried scramble.
Add your egg to your mix spaghetti and stir very well add a little salt, maggi and a little dried pepper and Stir very well .
Bring it down and ready to serve
###Here is a picture of my spaghetti with my scrambled egg
###Here is a picture of my special spaghetti ready to serve
Thank you steam world for this great opportunity I really appreciate.